Story Particles

Below is an incomplete list of what Philip Pullman calls “story particles” (AKA image schemas or experiential gestalts). I first read about them in Pullman’s Daemon Voices [1]. Check out Pullman’s essays called “The Writing of Stories” and “Poco a Poco”. In short, story particles are fundamental building blocks of human experience that require context for emotional coloring.

Like all things with storytelling, this is nothing new. But it is an observation not often talked about. I plan to write a brief and pratcial introduction to image schemas in a series of posts on metaphor at some point. Meanwhile, here’s the main idea: Use this list to structure the emotional events of a story. Repeat the structure with variations to make your point.

The list below has image schemas with their “opposites”. Keep in mind how this can be used as a tool to create conflict, change, and contrast. I built this list from my own observations and from a variety of sources including Daemon Voices [1], The Literary Mind [2], Metaphors We Live By [3], and More Than Cool Reason [4]. I’ll update this as I discover new ones.

Story Particles
pouring (container, source, what is poured?, where is it poured?, why?)
moving away / moving toward (attraction, repulsion)
pulling apart / putting together (building, taking apart)
opening / closing
growing / stagnant
push / pull
going out / coming in (of what container?)
moving upwards / downwards (up/down of internal experience)
getting smaller / larger
carrying something
holding something
striking something, knocking, tapping
cutting, separating / linking, merging
giving (handing something to someone) / taking, stealing
reflection, mirroring, echoing
journey (source, path, goal)
balance (equilibrium)
repetition, cycles
lightening / darkening
giving / taking
creating / destroying
heating / cooling, burning
turning, spinning (cycles)
container (interior, exterior, surface)
stuck, bound / unstuck, free
lost / found
hiding / showing, revealing
getting clearer / unclear, foggier
going faster / slower
controlling (grasping) / not controlling
understanding (grasping, holding)
getting louder / quieter, silence
saving / throwing away (holding / letting go)
chasing / running from
getting heavier / lighter
blending, mixing, stirring something (cycles)
softening / hardening
holding on / letting go (contraint / release)
awakening / sleeping
death / birth, rebirth (creation / destruction) (leaving and never returning)
searching for something and finding
hurting / healing
same / different (comparision, reflection)
hesitation, uncertainty / decisive, certain
wonder, curiosity / closed-minded, fear
belief / disbelief
time (before / after)
dropping something (height, up / down)
rougher / smoother
collection, group / single, alone
contact / no contact (touching, communication)
waiting for something
stationary / motion
resting -- stationary / motion -- healing, recovering
scaling something (getting bigger / smaller)
inward / outward (oku)
spacing (ma)
wider / narrower
tangible, real / intangible, fake ... celestial, otherworldly, imagined
between two or more things (twilight)
near / far
container (interior, exterior, surface)
center / periphery (balance)
left / right
straight / curved
forced / spontaneous
degree of intensity


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